
New Idea has allowed people to be more creative than ever before. Old media was expensive and was often inaccessible to people. There was no incentive for people to be creative because the work won't reach many people. The rise of technology and WEB 2.0 has given people the opportunity to showcase their work instantaneously. Now that almost everyone owns a "new media" technology, everyone is able to create. New media has allowed people to explore new ideas and inspirations that have never been given to them; for example, players of Second Life. Twitter back in 2009 was able to find out what their customers liked and what they wanted by receiving feedback from the community. People are also able to provide feedback real time. There are many platforms where you are able to upload your work and receive feedback from other creators. For example, "the photo-sharing site Flickr started as a small part of a big online game. When the founders realized that the photo-sharing feature was more popular than the game, they scrapped the game and built Flickr. Open-source software companies leave innovation up to users, and companies like Bug Labs let people build their own hardware." By digitizing their work of art, records can be saved.



  1. It was very interesting to learn about the history behind Flickr. I never knew that it started off as a online game! I often use Flickr to find photos and the amount of photos on that site is amazing. I agree that social media sites often thrive when they actually implement user's suggestions to improve the site.

  2. I always thought that older media was widely accessible so this was interesting to learn. I think that giving feedback in real time is one of the reasons why most sources of new media have been popular and people get attracted to the features of each platform. Twitter has always been a huge wonder to everyone as they weren't sure how it became so popular whereas other platforms have had success due to their uniqueness.


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