Blog: Social networking sites

With the rise of social networking sites, these sites have changed the way people used technology. Some examples of social networking sites include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Reddit. Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit are the three social networking sites I use the most. I use each one of them for different reasons. Facebook is more geared towards friends and connecting with them. I believe that Instagram is a way someone can brand themselves. It is a great platform for people to showcase their artistic side. I do not personally use Twitter because I feel like Facebook can do whatever Twitter can do in terms of non-business related stuff. With the popularity of Snapchat, Twitter has gone down. Twitter in my opinion is only great for businessmen and politicians. Reddit is one of my favorite social networking sites because I believe that it is the most reliable source of place to get news and information. Not only does it have news and information, it has information about anything you want.


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